Monday, 14 October 2013


SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: OF CHLORINE-DISEASE: BUILDS UP OVER MONTHS, AND KEEPS GETTING WORSE UNTIL MEDICINES OR ELF ARE USED: Marked pallor of the face (paler skin than normal, if of European in descent; or more darkness of the face, if of a darker skinned race). May get more readily violent, even if years previous they were kind and never violent. Dry skin. Superficial sebaceous cysts (not serious usually, they are lumps but not cancer). Insomnia or difficulty in drifting to sleep. Needs more Vitamin C, Niacin or B3, needs in fact, multivitamin tablets, Immunofort tablets recommended except for babies (choking hazard); pains in the bones (not often the joints), spasms while trying to sleep and may mimic Restless Leg Syndrome with very painful legs while drifting to sleep, itchy skin, needs more dairy products in the diet (organic is best), emotional depression, mild imminent insanity (quick: get that Bach flower Remedy recommended below, to avoid insanity), impatience, more mood-swings that can be diagnosed as BiPolar Disorder yet the medicine Lithium Carbonate disorganises the brain chemistry over time, and leads to more signs and symptoms, worse; emotional depression, later, after years of drinking that water even making tea from it, even cooking foods in that, the above signs and symptoms get worse: and then the pains in the bones get worse, gradually. May cry alone. After 15 years of drinking that water etc., the patient can become quite suicidal: the doctors pills do NOT work on this, so they suffer suicidal despair. After around 20 years the patient could die of this sickness. And some of the signs and symptoms are like Alzheimers Disease, the doctor might misdiagnose the problem as that. This disease is worse in menstruating women. Low blood pressure is often present. An ECG show some abnormality, the EEG shows some abnormality, at least 2 years after daily chlorine tap water drink and cooking water. The temperature will be raised above normal by 1/2ยบCelcius.
Question: Is this a new prion-disease?
Answer: No. It is unlike CJD and other such diseases.
There are other medicines for this medical condition (NOTE: It is not a mental sickness, nor fabricated in any way: it's medical). We will post some food-medicines and some herbal medicines for curing this, even preventing it if the medicines are taken soon enough. The disease will be worse or lesser, according to how much chlorine is ingested.
Low Iron, High Lymphocytes, Low Liver Function, Low Kidney Function, very low Vitamin B group, low Vitamin C group, all of the minerals low, all vitamins low, most blood tests of many types will show some abnormality or problem.

HOWEVER: If a person finds ANY lump on their body: see a doctor: it's probably just a harmless cyst, however, it needs proper diagnosis and promptly: in case it's cancer, and if it's cancer, the sooner the patient sees a doctor, the better the outcome will be: it may be surgically removed and you may recover fully that way, later could be too late. Ask your family Doctor (G.P. In New Zealand) for an urgent appointment and tell the receptionist why its' urgent. Any lumps found on an animal, need prompt veterinarian examination: they can get cancers, too.
When a swimming pool is emptied, it is often the water so loaded with Chlorine, will go into rivers or lakes or oceans, and then that tears away the slimey coating of the fish, frogs, waterlife, and since that slimey coating is there to keep out bacteria and viruses, that then the fish, frogs and other waterlife, get sick and die. Problem is, this is almost global, and is only one of the many pollution-problems that the waterlife is getting sick about, and the populations of most marine and riverlife creatures, is going down and down and down. At some time, more and more species will be heading for extinction.
This problem of Chlorine-disease is cureable, we will do something more to post later, in the meantime, this document is about diagnosing, and to request people to STOP putting down the tub or basin or sink, products that have in them, chlorine. 
The organics and other companies now have on the supermarket shelves, dishwashing liquid, laundry powders and more, that is environmentally friendly, and also look for the word "organic" and the label or symbol that means: "Not tested on animals", or "Against animal cruelty". They are only a little more expensive than the others, not a lot more expensive.